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Prenuptial Agreement, Court Marriage, Hindu Marriage, Arya Samaj Marriage, Marriage Registration, Marriage Certificate | ||||
Prenuptial Agreement | You are here, reading this page, because you are planning to get married, may be against the will of your parents, or your parents are not agreeing or consenting for your marriage, or you may be in a hurry to get married, or may be you are money and time conscious; whatever may be your reason, Arya Samaj Marriage is getting popular day by day because of its simplicity, least possible expenses for getting married and the little bit of time within which you can get married ...... How to proceed forward for Arya Samaj Marriage? What all to know and consider about Arya Samaj Marriage? Arya Samaj Marriage Q1. What is Arya Samaj Marriage? A. In an Arya Samaj Marriage, The marriage is solemnized / performed in accordance with Vedic rites. In Arya Samaj Marriage, pooja is not performed to any specific deity as Arya Samaj doesn't believe in idol worship; fire and the other elements are the only witnesses to the marriage ceremony. After the performance of marriage, Arya Samaj Mandir provides Marriage Certificate to the married couple. As per the wishes and option of the parties the Arya Samaj Marriage can be got registered before a Marriage Registrar, and thereafter, The Marriage Registrar provides Marriage Certificate to the Married Couple. Q2. Who may perform Arya Samaj Marriage? A. Any person who are Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs can perform Arya Samaj Marriage. Any person who are not Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews can also perform Arya Samaj Marriage. Inter-Caste Marriages and Inter-Religious Marriages can also be performed in a Arya Samaj Marriage provided none of the marrying persons are Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews. If any of the marrying persons are Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews, and out of their free will and consent are ready to convert and embrace Hindu Religion, the Arya Samaj Mandir perform a ritual called "shuddhi", meaning purification for such conversion, and thereafter, such a convert can perform Arya Samaj Marriage. Q3. What are the procedural, documentary, and other Requirements for Arya Samaj Marriage? A. The marriage is solemnized / performed in accordance with Vedic Rites, Marrying persons must have documentary evidence of their date of birth, Marrying persons must have documentary evidence of their place of residence, Marrying persons must be accompanied by two persons who are ready and willing to witness their marriage, Such persons acting as witnesses must have their own residential proof, In a Arya Samaj Marriage, the marrying persons get the legal status of Husband and Wife just by performing their marriage as per Vedic Rites. Q4. What are the Conditions for Arya Samaj Marriage? A. There should not be subsisting valid marriage of either of the parties with any other person. Monogamy is now the rule. The parties should be competent in regards to their age. The age prescribed for the bridegroom is twenty-one (21) years and bride is eighteen (18) years. The parties should be competent in regards to their mental capacity. Neither parties should be suffering from unsoundness of mind of such a nature as to be unable to give valid consent for the marriage, or suffering from mental disorder of such a kind or to such an extent as to be unfit for marriage and procreation of children, or has been subject to recurrent attacks of insanity. The parties should not fall within the degree of prohibited relationship. Q5. Why Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage is getting popular day by day? A. You are in a hurry to get marriage certificate, may be, you are leaving for abroad, or need marriage certificate for a Bank Loan, or for Spouse VISA processing; reasons for hurrying the marriage may be endless: - Read further ... Prenuptial Agreement, Court Marriage, Hindu Marriage, Marriage Registration, Marriage Certificate | |||
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